THE GREAT PUMPKIN IS COMING AND I COULDN’T BE MORE EXCITED!!! This weekend I went and bought some new Halloween decorations for the apartment so get even more in the spirit! Honestly I’ve been a bit bummed because it’s basically been in the 80’s every day here and not feeling like fall at all… but I’m just crossing my fingers that it cools off and I can start wearing sweaters every day!
I’m wearing a Peanut’s sweatshirt I got from Modcloth that’s sadly sold out.. I can’t even find the link to share with you guys. But I paired it with a button down shirt underneath and these mustard pants I got from Madewell and L-O-V-E! Pants like this I’m always so afraid of, but these are so flattering and are so fun for outfits for fall!
Sweatshirt Modcloth (found a link to it in the slideshow below) // Glasses Eye Buy Direct // Pants ℅ Madewell
I’ll link some of my favorite Halloween themed pieces below so that you guys can shop!