I wanted to share our first Christmas card EVER here on the blog with ya'll!!! I've been wanting to make a card for so many years and finally since having Duke and Monty I felt it was time! I ...
My Pets
8 steps to a clean home!
I LOVE having friends over to celebrate the holidays and I especially love having a big holiday bash! One of the toughest things to me is CLEANING before as it can seem daunting and I don’t know where ...
picking out our Christmas tree!
I wanted us all to match because I'm a dorky cheese ball like that (Danny is usually not down for that sort of thing, not sure how I pulled it off) but we are all matching in our red and Duke and I ...
3 costume ideas with your pup
For the first photo we are a little circus crew (although disclaimer- I don't believe in the circus!) but I thought with this adorable bear costume on Duke it would be so adorable if I was the ring ...
the story of adopting Duke
Finally sharing the story of adopting Duke... ...