Everything is just in full Christmas spirit for me! We got a tree last week and it was so much fun picking it out! I love making traditions so I decided we should bring Duke with us and snap some photos to share year after year! So this is something I’m going to try to create as a tradition in our lives, especially with Duke because he was so curious as to why we had the tree in our home it was hilarious!
I wanted us all to match because I’m a dorky cheese ball like that (Danny is usually not down for that sort of thing, not sure how I pulled it off) but we are all matching in our red and Duke and I with our buffalo plaid combos! I love it so much! My coat was so affordable from Primark, the shirt is shoppable below, and my jeans are as well! I love these easy breeze everyday outfits I wear so much!
I can’t wait to share so many more holiday traditions with you this season! Speaking of which.. did you notice it started snowing on my blog today!?!?! I LOVE IT! Happy Holidays!