Honestly looking through these photos makes me tear up. I have been blogging for 5 years and still love it so much, but most of all love how my blog has evolved and how I am able to help inspire others to love their bodies and love who they are <3 This month marks my 5 year anniversary of blogging and I wanted to just do a little look back tribute to see how far things have come. I put these photos in order after the Brooklyn Bridge ones (I just took those!) but the photo of me in the star blouse was MY FIRST BLOG POST EVER! Funny part is that I’d still wear any of these outfits right now!
I started my blog after being Rachel of Jag Lever’s photographer for a few months. She kept pushing me to do it and told me people would be interested in my girly style.. which I hoped was true but still didn’t believe it when she said it.. even though I had always wanted to have a blog of my own. Someone I looked up to at Lookbook.nu for those of you that remember- told me that I should also start a blog and after that I knew it was time. I spent a few days (really two I think. because I was so excited) coming up with a name for my blog. I was in the Sound of Music at my local college when I was in high school so I just fell in love with the name Noelle’s Favorite Things. I wanted something I thought would still grow with me- no matter how much I changed. Still to this day I love Noelle’s Favorite Things and seriously cry sometimes thinking about how happy I am I followed my heart and dreams.
I’ve always been a person who believed in myself.. this is going to sound weird to some, but so many movies where the characters succeed or are total badasses have lost their parents. Harry Potter likely being the biggest one for me, but also so many Wes Anderson movies. It’s a really hard thing to explain, but basically having these role models who I felt like were destined for success after losing their parents made me feel like I was the same (for those of you who maybe don’t know I have lost both of my parents). That I had some sort of super power or something after going through such hardship. So I did for some odd reason think I would get to a place where I had a job I loved (with lots of hard work as well) and had no idea it would be what it is today. Life is such an adventure.
Special shoutouts to Rachel of Jag Lever and Rachel Martino because I don’t know where I would be without them. I have learned so much from them and their support. I also could go on forever about Danny my fiancé and how much he helped me. When I couldn’t afford to pay a photographer, but wanted to grow my brand still, he was there to take all of my photos and help me every step of the way. So thankful to have these amazing people in my life!