My story from the Making Strides Walk…
Last Sunday, I walked with some friends in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Walk and it was an experience I’ll never forget. I’ve really wanted to participate for a while now and I’m so glad I was finally apart of a walk. It was an amazing and beautiful experience. Seeing everyone come together who had been connected to breast cancer in some type of way and all walking for the same cause was something that touched my heart in a way I can’t even begin to explain.
When I was 7 years old my mom died of cancer. I was so young, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of the little memories I did have with her. It wasn’t breast cancer she passed from,but my mom was really passionate about breast cancer as she had a friend who has passed away from it and she always tried to be involved as much as she could. Losing my mom to cancer at such a young age I didn’t realize how many people are affected from cancer. It’s such a tragic number and it breaks my heart. Participating in the walk was important to me because I felt it was something my mom would be doing to this day if she was still alive. She may not be here to walk with everyone,but I am and I will walk for her. I know it would give her all the happiness in the world.
If you’ve been affected by breast cancer, cancer generally, or just want to walk with those that might feel alone, take a look at the Making Strides website to get involved. You can create a team here and get others in your life involved in a walk near you that happening! I promise you won’t regret it.
Also- if you have not gotten checked for breast cancer, please do! This walk is an amazing way of raising awareness about breast cancer and you can’t forget to take care of yourself and get a check-up. Please, please don’t put it off!
This post was sponsored by American Cancer Society. The views and opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the American Cancer Society.