Sharing snaps from a new favorite restaurant in our neighborhood…
Me and my boyfriend tend to fall in love with a restaurant and go to it over and over and over. Lately, we’ve been trying to switch it up and go to a few different places that we hadn’t gone to. There’s this new place that’s sort of near our apartment called Hummus Market that’s brand new. I have actually been a time or two with Rachel (we love mediterranean food!) but Danny had never been so I decided to take him for lunch. We sat in the cute little backyard area and I am happy to say Danny loved everything he got! When I tell you the hummus and pita are out of this world there, it’s no exaggeration. It’s seriously THE BEST. Now I’m craving it bad…
For the day I was wearing this pinafore I literally picked up as I was checking out at Crossroads Trading. I love it when I randomly grab an item on my way out and get home and it’s perfect! It’s like winning the lottery.. almost. I put this new blouse by Tiralahilacha on underneath it because the colors look so good together! Check out their stuff if you’ve never heard of them.. they are another spanish brand I love!
Afterwards I picked up some flowers from the bodega next store and we headed home!
A few random exciting things:
Our new sofa is going to be delivered any minute now!
I leave to go to Michigan with Rachel tomorrow morning!
I’m going to Louisiana at the end of the month for one of my very best friend’s weddings!
Ok, that’s all for now.
Pinafore thrifted C/O Crossroads Trading // Blouse C/O Tiralahilacha // Boots C/O Boden // Bag by Kelsi Dagger // Hat from Forever 21 // Necklace C/O Peter and June the Label