How working out has changed me…
I’m sharing #LISTERINE in my life as apart of a special sponsored LISTERINE series with Socialstars in the next few months! If any of ya’ll follow me on Snapchat or Instagram stories, you know that I workout most days of the week. It’s been a journey for me since January and I has really changed my life. For me it isn’t necessarily about losing weight,but about being my best self and feeling my best. Working out truly changes and lifts my mood every single day! I wanted to make a promise on my blog today with LISTERINE to continue my workout and health journey. It always feels amazing to be your best, boldest self and to have a little ‘me’ time at the gym. I encourage you all to try to switch up your lifestyle if you aren’t active and try some new workouts! It doesn’t have to be an hour of running- try a boxing or barre class and be bold!
Typically in my gym bag if I shower and clean up after I workout (I sweat more than anyone you know, I can promise) I have LISTERINE® HEALTHY WHITE™ RESTORING Anticavity Mouthrinse to keep my mouth clean and fresh. It always has me feeling good, especially if I have a meeting or event after my workout.
Can’t wait to share more of this campaign with you and my journey with LISTERINE along the way!
Post in collaboration with Socialstars and #LISTERINE,but all thoughts I promise are my own!