Finally sharing our helicopter adventure…
This was one of my favorite moments from our trip to Austin. Not only was the helicopter ride amazing,but Danny and I shot while the rain was falling a little bit and it felt so wonderful. Just feeling it fall down and loving the surroundings. I didn’t have a care in the world!
Thanks so Airbnb we ever so randomly got to go on a helicopter ride overlooking Austin! It was such an amazing experience and although I was terrified because I hadn’t gone on a helicopter ride before, it was well worth it! I actually started getting motion sickness towards the end but STILL very much worth it. I cherish the experience and was so happy I got to have it with Danny, Rachel, and Johnny. It was something I will never forget.
For the day I was wearing one of my favorite designers, Family Affairs. This little dress/tunic is from their collection from last spring/summer and I had wanted it ever since! I mean, c’mon, it was an adorable vintage-y telephone print along the collar and is insanely comfy! What’s not to love. I did wear a pair of denim shorts underneath because I felt it was too short not to and honestly I feel like it made it even more comfortable because I didn’t even have to worry about my dress falling up! I also finally wore these shoes I thrifted at Buffalo Exchange. I’m going to wear the hell out of these this summer!
Yoko dress/tunic C/O Family Affairs // Shoes thrifted // Hat Free People