Oh, just playing in the snow…
Rachel Martino and I love playing in the show and pretending we are young enough for this to be acceptable. The park that’s sort of in between both of our apartments is where we shot these photos because it always look so pretty with all of the snow! This was a very quick look because I just wanted to go outside! So I’m wearing this Boden coat with faux-fur around the hood with a Boohoo dress over a vintage shirt I’ve had for years. Weirdly, after it snowed a lot it really warmed up the next day. So I could get away with not wearing a sweater or lots of layers!
It’s been a slow Saturday for me although I work up early. I’m just at a coffee shop writing this post and trying to decide what I should do with the rest of my day. Hm..hm..hmmm… Big problems I have here, I know! I will tell you guys however about the amazing time I had yesterday at The Vintage Show! I bought so many amazing things (including this awesome vintage Beetles pin!) and I’ve decided I’ll make a Youtube video to show you guys! I PROMISE I’LL GET IT UP SOON. All caps because I want you to know how serious I am.
Coat C/O Boden // Plaid dress C/O Boohoo // Blouse vintage // Bandana vintage // Boots old