Happy November!
So considering these are my very favorite months (October, November, and December) and I am very excited that November is here! It will get a bit chiller and you’ll start seeing all of my winter coats in every post, which I oddly like even though winter in NY is no joke. BUT this post is not quite a winter look just yet. This is a fall outfit where you can still keep bright colors in the mix. This Kling dress is from an awesome online store called Emerging Thoughts. I have gone onto this site for a long time, before I was blogging. They have the best special, cutesy pieces,but also some cool USA designers as well.
With this dress because I wanted you all to be able to see the collar I wore my hair in a side braid. Now I am always super scared to wear my hair any way except down. Honestly that ponytail look I posted a few weeks ago was a breakthrough for me so I am trying new things. I will say I don’t know if I am the biiigest fan of my hair in a side braid because I kind of look like an elf, but I do like changing things up sometimes. My hair is so fluffy that it’s nice to have other ways to wear it, especially on days where the weather is shitty.
To match the dress and side braid I wore one of my big satchels and tied this adorable bunny scarf around the side! This scarf is from Crossroads and it’s the cutest bunny print! To tie in with the red I wore my old Kate Spade loafers. I really beat these guys to the ground this summer,but I still love them.
Happy November 2nd you guys!
Kling dress C/O Emerging Thoughs // Loafers by Kate Spade // Satchel from Boohoo // Bunny bow/scarf C/O Crossroads Trading Co.