A little post about Danny…
I’m sharing #LISTERINE in my life as apart of a LISTERINE sponsored series for Socialstars! I wanted to show you guys how I’m celebrating the #BringOutTheBold campaign by sharing the boldest, most important man in my life. My father passed away when I was 16 (both of my parents have passed away, if you were wondering from my Mother’s Day post) and I thought it would be awesome to celebrate Father’s Day by sharing some pictures of Danny with you, who is an awesome dad to our bunny baby Monty!
Danny is important to me for so many reasons that would take me forever to list. He’s my favorite person and I have endless amounts of fun with him. We’ve been together 3 and a half years and I’ve never been so close to anyone in my life. Being bold to Danny means giving your very best. He is in law school so whether it’s doing a paper for school, helping me wash the dishes, or taking care of Monty, he’s always giving his best. He’s inspired me to give my best at things that seem so daunting or hard ot accomplish and I love him for this.
To all of you out there who have lost a father or mother (or perhaps both) I’m sending you so much love. I wish you a wonderful Father’s day celebrating the men in your life who are inspirational to you and celebrating being bold in some type of way. To learn more about #BringOutTheBold, check it all outhere.
Post in collaboration with Socialstars and #LISTERINE,but all thoughts I promise are my own!