Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas…
Just wanted to do a quick post with one last holiday look to wish you all a merry Christmas! This is another look from my aunts house in Asheville. She has the most perfect holiday decorations and I had to take some photos with them! I hope you guys enjoy these photos.
I’m wearing a sparkly pair of DKNY tights with this Asos velvet dress for a very festive look! I also wore this bright red Boden coat form their Boden Icons collection that I’m in love with. It’s such a good color and it’s so long so it’s a bit different from my other coats!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday! I am so thankful for everyone who reads my blog or follows me on any type of social media. I read every single comment anyone every gives me and always try to respond the best I can. Thank you so much and I’m sending my love.
Red coat C/O Boden Icons // Velvet dress C/O Asos // Shoes C/O Asos // Tights C/O DKNY // Hat from Forever 21