Giving you a peek inside Botsford Briar…
These are some of my favorite photos I have ever gotten to share on here. These were taken at Botsford Briar, the bed and breakfast Danny and I stayed in last weekend. Funny story is, this bed and breakfast has a few separate rooms, each with it’s own decor. Originally, Danny and I were staying in the room called the Rose Room. Our trip to Beacon was a special gift from Danny (my boyfriend) for Valentine’s Day and he had chosen the Rose Room because it basically looked like my dream room.
Turns out last minute the owner of the B&B decided to upgrade us to this room- the Magnolia Room- because it wasn’t taken and he was being very kind. I thought I was bummed at first because it wasn’t the sweet Rose Room,but once I sat in the room for a bit I realized how amazing it was in its own way. I have been wanting to share these photos because I think they really show some of its beauty. Plus the porch attached to the room was also quite gorgeous! If you happen to want to explore Beacon, stay here! I loved it.
Now lets talk about the look. I really feel this Miss Patina pinafore is so fitting for an antique setting like this. I wore a button down underneath (typical!) and just some (also typical) red lipstick to make the look feel finished. I also used this baby blue Coach bag for the day. It’s so perfect for summertime, I keep imaging it with cute sundresses and I straw hat! Soon enough I guess.
Coat C/O Miss Patina // Pinafore C/O Miss Patina // White button down C/O Miss Patina // Blue bag C/O Coach // Boots Dr. Scholls